Spiritual Mentorship Basic Course (4 Weeks)


Week 1 Audios

⚫Day 1: New birth

⚫Day 2: Holy Ghost Baptism: Bible way to receive the Holy Spirit.

⚫Day 3: Faith—What Is It?

⚫Day 4: Activate Your Faith

⚫Day 5: What You Say Is What You Get

⚫Day 6: Develop Your Faith Muscles

⚫Day 7: How to Strengthen Your Faith

Book for the week: God's Will For You By Gloria Copeland

Week 1 Schedule: 

👉🏽7 Audio Messages/ Course Manual to be posted daily

👉🏽1 hour Daily Praying in tongues)

👉🏽Read 1 Chapter of the book for the week Daily and submit your review before 12 midnight daily 

Week 2 Audios

⚫Day 1: Christian devotion and study of the word. 

⚫Day 2: Assurance of salvation: Growing up spiritually 

⚫Day 3: Follow the Laws

⚫Day 4: Choice Begins With Words

⚫Day 5: Your Words Have Far-Reaching Effects

⚫Day 6: Think God's Thoughts, Speak His Words

⚫Day 7: The Power of Words

Book for the week: Growing up spiritually By Kenneth E. Hagin 

Week 2 Schedule: 

👉🏽7 Audio Messages/ Course Manual to be posted daily

👉🏽1 hour Daily Praying in tongues)

👉🏽Read 2 Chapters of the book for the week Daily and submit your review before 12 midnight daily 

Week 3 Audios

⚫Day 1: Christian stewardship and Soul winning

⚫Day 2: Christian fellowship 

⚫Day 3: Partnership Is a Divine Connection

⚫Day 4: Create Your Best Life

⚫Day 5: Move Into Your Destiny

⚫Day 6: Get God's Promises Working in Your Life

⚫Day 7: How to Change Your World With Your Words

Book for the week: Following God's Plan for your Life By Kenneth E Hagin. 

Week 3 Schedule: 

👉🏽7 Audio Messages/ Course Manual to be posted daily

👉🏽1hr 30minutes Daily Praying in tongues)

👉🏽Read 1 Chapters Daily and submit your review before 12 midnight daily 

Week 4 Audios

⚫Day 1: Know and Recieve your Inheritance (Old and New Testament Scriptures)

⚫Day 2: Faith in Your Reborn Spirit

⚫Day 3: The Force of Faith

⚫Day 4: Have the God Kind of Faith

⚫Day 5: Faith Is the Victory

⚫Day 6: The Same Measure of Faith

⚫Day 7: Faiththinz and You

Book for the week: Sharper than two edged Sword By Andrew Wormack

Week 4 Schedule: 

👉🏽7 Audio Messages/ Course Manual to be posted daily

👉🏽2 hour Daily Praying in tongues)

👉🏽Read 2 Chapter Daily and submit your review before 12 midnight daily.

Please Note: You will receive a Certificate of Participation at the end of this course. (#1,000).

We understand you may not need this certificate, but  you can take it as an opportunity to give back to Faiththinz Academy for Blessing you with this life transforming course. 

Giving and Receiving is a very vital Kingdom Principle for Increase and Abundance.

You'll be require to invest/sow at least 2hours of your time  daily in order to reap a maximum harvest from the course. 

Your Life Will Never Remain The Same Ever Again.